0034 - Mechanical Apprenticeship Program
Course Description
Mechanical Apprenticeship Program
The Mechanical Apprenticeship Program is designed to pick up where the
Fast Track program ends and continue to develop associates in industrial
mechanical, pumps, and fluid power systems. The program takes a deeper
dive into subjects such as Mechanical Systems and Fluid Power Systems. This
course is delivered in a 12 Month span with students attending class one 8hr
day a week. Below you will find a list of subjects with course codes covered
in the program. Students who completed the course will have the ability to sit
for 2 SACA Exams as well as receive an Amatrol Certification in each of the
listed content areas. When the student has completed their 4000 hours of
“On the Job Training”, they will also receive their DOL Course Certification.
• Pneumatic Fitting Construction
• Intermediate Pneumatics
• Intermediate Hydraulics
• Pump Systems
• Advanced Pneumatics
• Advanced Hydraulics
• Mechanical Drives 2
• Mechanical Drives 3
• Mechanical Drives 4
• Vibration Analysis
Apprenticeship Program Details:
• 18-month program: 576 training hours with 4000 OJT hours
• Online curriculum completed on own time
• Hands-on training in lab 1 day per week
• Must pass online component, hands-on skills component, and final exam components with 80% or higher in order to graduate
• Must complete 4000 on-the-job training hours under a mentor
*If this is registration is company paid, please contact Hal McCool at 912-486-7409 or by email at hmccool@ogeecheetech.edu for instructions on how to register your employee(s).
Apprenticeship Eligibility Criteria:• Employed with company
• Graduate of Industrial Systems Fast Track program OR meet minimum requirements on written and hands-on skills assessments.